Vígsla /Marriage

Ynskja tit at víga tykkum borgarliga, skal niðanfyri standandi vegleiðing fylgjast.

Fyrispurningar um vígslu skal verða Vága kommunu í hendi í seinasta lagi ein mánað, áðrenn vígsluna.


Send fyrispurning um tíðspunkt til vaga@vaga.fo

Fyll út Hjúnalagsváttan og send okkum hana í fyrsta lagi 4
mánaðar áðrenn vígsluna. Hjúnalagsváttanin kann takast niður HER
Send okkum avrit av dóps- ella navnabrøvum

Um tit áður hava verið gift, skulu vit eisini hava avrit av
hjúnaskilnaðarpappírum ella deyðsváttan

Navn og bústað á tveimum vitnum, ið koma við tykkum til
vígsluna. Vága kommuna kann eisini útvega tvey vitnir, um
tit ynskja tað

In order to get married by civil ceremony in Vága commune, we need certain documentation from you sent by e-mail to vaga@vaga.fo


  • Send the inquiry regarding time and date

  • Fill out the form “Notice of Marriage” and send it to us, firstly four months before the planned ceremony. The  “Notice of Marriage” can be found her

  • Birth certificates

  • Your marital status

  • Final divorce papers if you are divorced

  • Death certificate of your former spouse if you are a widow/widower

  • On the day of the wedding you will need to bring with you two people, who are prepared to witness the marriage and sign the marriage register. Send us the names and addresses of the witnesses.

If you do not bring two witnesses, let us know - then two members of staff will be present and witness the civil marriage ceremony.

If the original documents are not available in English, they must be translated by an authorised translator.

After the wedding ceremony you will be handed an international marriage certificate in Faroese and English.